Friday, February 28, 2014
Time To Change Plans Before Overwhelming Guilt
Thursday, February 27, 2014
I'm sorry about yesterday.
Yesterday, I had so many things going on with jobs, animals, family and friends I just couldn't honestly find enough time to learn more than what I did. I didn't go completely unproductive though! I learned 12 Kanji which, for the short amount of time I had, wasn't bad! I wrote these down this morning when I woke up and then checked back on my work to be sure I did them right. Thank goodness I did! As of right now I know a grand total of 64 Kanji! That's in 3 days you guys, and I never thought i'd ever get the chance to honestly learn even one! It's getting more interesting as I learn more and more that I will actually use!
This post is going to be a shorter one because I have to go in to my new job to get a drug screening done in a few minutes. I'm going to post another later on though because I'm going to learn another 28 or more today no matter what! Thank you guys for the support! It really helps to know someone out there is rooting for me when I'm undertaking this large of an assignment on myself!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
More Kanji Learned Today!
If anyone wants to follow along with me and learn at the same pace as I am, maybe we could challenge each other? Perhaps we could make a bet and see who can finish the fastest? I don't personally want to learn too quickly though, because as I said before, I don't want to get burned out. That would completely ruin my ambition and wouldn't help at all. I've got a new picture for today's Kanji as well and, though they aren't specifically all difficult, there are a couple that are more intricate than others. (*cough* Dr. *cough*)
Tune in tomorrow again for (fingers crossed) 28 more!
Monday, February 24, 2014
The Start of an Epic Adventure!
Update at 6:48! I've learned 28 Kanji today and can write them if you ask me them one by one without any hints! I've got a picture of the ones I learned today that I'll put on here. I'm so excited to start this and can't wait to continue learning more tomorrow! It's amazing what you can do with a little bit of patience and some easy memorization lessons! Keep following tomorrow and I'll have my next 28 Kanji up tomorrow! Thank you so much everyone! I'm wondering if there is any way for me to show you all that I'm genuinely not cheating. Any ideas? If you've got any, put them in the comment section below this post!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Ever Want To Learn A New Language?
I came across a blog the other day. Fluent In 3 Months. It's exactly what you would expect. How to learn a language in 3 months! No, you won't learn everything there is to learn about the language in 3 months but you can learn a heck of a lot in that short amount of time. He gives you every single tool except one small book to learn a new language and I got that book. I am going to follow everything he says to do to a T. First Step? Make a blog. I know for a fact that this part of the learning stage is going to help immensely for myself because it's something that will keep me on track. Having so many people watching my progress and commenting on it every single time I learn something new? Heck yes! Confidence boost and definitely a booster for my own personal fire under my butt. I know if I have this blog up and keep up with my learning, I'll be held accountable by the people reading it. What better way than to possibly have anyone in the world reading this?! There isn't one better motivation I can think of that would help more.
So, down to business. I'm going to be learning Japanese. But that's the most difficult language to learn if you're a native English Speaker!? I don't care about all of that. I know it's going to be difficult. I know it will possibly be one of the most difficult things I've ever done to date. Who knows? Maybe it won't be! Maybe it will be a simple task that won't be nearly as difficult as I've always expected it will be. I love learning new things and this is one that I've always wanted to learn. I've just never actually tried hard enough to do it. I'm a fast learner as it is, and have proven that on many occasions at quite a few jobs. I learned how to thread a movie projector in less than a day. By the end of the second day, I could do it within 10 minutes with no problems at all. On the 3rd day? I was down to less than 5 minutes per movie. I think I can learn a new language - any new language - in 3 months.
I have written down my S.M.A.R.T. goal and it looks like this:
I am going to learn 2042 Kanji in 90 days. I will be learning 28 Kanji every single day. That's 73ish days to get it done if I stick with the 28 every single day. I am going to start on February 24, 2014 and finish on May 25, 2014. I will be updating this blog daily, without fail on exactly how many Kanji I learn every single day and you all will be holding me responsible if I fail. I have yet to decide on something that will happen if I fail.
Thanks in advance for any and all support that you give me everyone! Here's too the start of a learning journey that will last a lifetime!